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爱思考的人善于提出问题,而提出问题有助于解决我们生活或学习中的困惑。请以"A question I asked"为题,并根据要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。1.要点:1)你提出的问题是什么;





A question I askedWhen I began to learn English, remembering words was a big headache to me. Even though I could remember some, they went out of my mind soon. I was so hopeless.One day I asked my teacher a question before I would give up, "Why do I have to remember words?" The teacher said," Words are not for remembering but for talking and writing. Keep using them and you will remember them."I took her advice and tried to use words in my talking and writing. To my surprise, learning words by heart didn't seem to be a problem anymore.



提示词:give up concentrate on be (become)interested in

Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.

Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.


假如你是李华,学业考试后要参加21世纪杯中学生英语演讲大赛,题目为A/An ____ Winter Holiday。请你根据所给信息完成一篇英文演讲稿,讲述刚过去的那段寒假经历,并谈谈它对你今后的影响。






A/An ______ Winter Holiday

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present my speech here. My topic today is __________________.

That's all for my speech. Thank you for your time.

An Unforgettable Winter Holiday

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present my speech here. My topic today is an unforgettable winter holiday.

Personally, this winter holiday was quite different. Because of COVID-19, I had to study at home and take online classes. As a result, I found I was able to learn by myself. I also helped my parents with housework like cooking. And I learned how to cook well. Last but not least, I had more time to communicate with my parents. Therefore I learned to get on better with them.

What I learned during this holiday will surely influence my future life. I will be more self-controlled and independent. And I am sure I will face difficulties and challenges more bravely.

That's all for my speech. Thank you for your time.


假定你是李华。某英文报"My Hometown"专栏面向中学生招募小记者,请你用英文给报社写封自荐信。要点如下: 1.熟悉家乡; 2.乐于交流; 3.擅长英语。





参考词汇:journalist (n.记者) column (n.专栏)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hear your newspaper needs journalists for the column My Hometown. I hope to be a member of the team.First,I know a lot about my hometown, such as its history and culture. Besides,I used to work as a journalist for my shcool newspaper and I did a very good job. I'm easy-going and always ready to communicate with others. Moreover,I have a good knowledge of English, and I'm skillful at expressing myself clearly in English.I'm sure to be the right person you are looking for.I'd be thankful if I could get this chance.Yours,Li Hua



要求:1. 词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)

2. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。

How to learn English well

English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.












