
陈铃1147 分享 时间:




这样的认知也不是空穴来风,因为大部分的同学出分情况确 (can) 实 (bu) 如(ren) 此 (du)。还有很多的同学为了口语小分愁白了头,一次又一次的去(song) 考(ren) 试(tou)。





在进行跟读前,首要的任务就是 挑选好合适的素材。如果素材挑选的不合适,那后面的努力也就打水漂了。

首先,不同于听力、阅读甚至写作,雅思口语考试需要考生在考察过程中 即时做出回答,或者针对某一具体话题进行集中描述。




练习雅思口语,一个非常重要且有效的方法就是录音。许多小烤鸭会在备考时找到一个小伙伴陪练或互练,但是有一些同学在这个过程中会因为害羞、尴尬等种.种原因无法正常开口。在这种情况下,跟读并录音 非常适合你啦!




很多同学在跟读练习时 有一个误区,就是致力于把素材读得非常完美流利和酷炫,而且不允许自己犯错,一旦读错了一个词或卡壳了就要重新读,进而浪费非常多的时间。




software 常用软件

Describe a piece of software you use often

You should say:

What it is

What does it use for

How did you know it

And explain why you use it


What are the advantages of using instant messengers?

Will instant messengers replace Email?


考官:What’s your favourite hairstyle?

我的内心:Have you ever heard of 葬爱家族?

考官:How often do you have your hair cut?

我的内心:I thought I was going to do it very often but ...

考官:How much do you usually spend on your haircut?

我的内心:Oh I never cut back on my vanity project ...

考官:Do you often change your haircut?

我的内心:Yes. Sometimes I just want to be bold ...


我 不 是 !!!我是一个有尊严的8分选手!就算题目再奇葩!就算场面再尴尬!我也要有8分的气势!

考官:What’s your favourite hairstyle?

我:(装没听见)My favourite what now?你说啥?




我:(卖萌)Okay. Didn’t see that one coming.好的吧。没想到您还会问这个问题吼吼吼吼(杠铃般的笑声)


我:Well I guess my favourite is mycurrent one, which, according to my barber, is called the Classic Elvis Roll.Basically I just comb up the front and use some hair spray to fix it backwards.And the barber leaves some low fade on the sides, so that it looks rather neat and old-fashioned.



欲 言 又 止

我马上补充道:But I didn’t get to finish my look this morning, ‘cause it takes forever and I didn’t dare to be late for this test.但是我今早就很匆匆忙忙嘛,没时间做发型,口语考试不敢迟到嘛。(敲了敲自己的手表然后发现自己没有带手表,尴尬.jpg)

考官:How often do you have your hair cut?

我:Every 3 weeks, at least. I think it’s because my hair grows exceptionally fast, and if I don’t go to the barber’s as often, it would be too thick for me to do the style and the sides will just go crazy and completely out of shape, making me look like a homeless person!


我马上补充道:And that’s why sometimes I wanna be completely bald, which saves all the trouble!所以啊!我就很想剃光啊!再也没有三千烦恼丝啦!

只见考官的身体僵硬了一下,缓慢地抬起头,充满杀气的眼神中燃烧着火焰,狠狠地从牙缝中挤出下一个恶毒的问题:How much do you usually spend on your haircut?

紧张的我:Not too much. I don’t think it’s sensible to get my hair done at an unreasonable price. So 200 is the maximum amount I’m willing to pay. But there are also exceptions when I decided to dye it on a whim. That would cost a lot more than a simple hair do and I usually regret it immediately.


考官面带假惺惺的微笑:Do you often change your haircut?

Not really. It actually took me quite a while to finally find my look. I have had this hairstyle for 2 years and people actually dig it, saying that I give out a Californian-realtor-who-just-started-his-career kind of vibe. Also switching to another hair do takes a lot of courage and effort which I think should be put into my studies right now.


考官心满意足的坐定,淡淡地说道:Let’s move on to the next topic. Let’s talk about islands ...

雅思口语高频:a person in the news who you want to meet.

Describe a person in the news who you want to meet.

Personally, the person I would like to meet most will be Murakami Haruki. He is a writer. He was my favorite writer back in middle school and still remains one of the writers whose books I will buy, in no time, whatever they publish. For me, still a middle school student, he was like a bridge linking between my prisoned youth at school and the mysterious adulthood lost in some metropolis. I could not help bringing the author himself into the world of his novel as a symbiosis of the protagonist and these two persona will coincide in a very interesting way. Is he a womanizer or ascetic? Is he proactive or docile? These questions walk me through many nights wondering what kind of person I am and will be. As far as I know, Mr. Murakami himself is quite a reserved-to-himself man, which conflicts his protagonist sometimes. However, for me at present, restless pursuit of knowledge, power, love, etc., seems quintessential so I do not read too much of his writing anymore. But I am still grateful for what he created in his career and would like to reread his works in a fresh angle as a grown man.


1. mysterious:strange and interesting because you don’t know much about them

Eg. A mysterious young woman is living next door.

Mysterious adulthood 指的是未知的成年人的世界

2. protagonist:the main character in a play, film or book

Eg. at that time, films rarely had a woman as the main protagonist.

3. Reserved-to-himself: slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions

这个短语可以用来形容比较内向 不爱表达情感的人