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单词不光是要知道意思,还要知道言外之意,也就是connotation, 一个单词有literally meaning, 同样也有 figurative meaning. 在这里最典型的就是抽象词,这是阅读中最费脑子的事情。Compensate for, 这个词组翻译过来是赔偿,但是阅读里的意思 for的后面往往是说明以牺牲前者来达到后者的目的。任何语言考试,单词都是首要。



长难句不需要背,这样非常拖进度也浪费时间。读到什么程度算是基本过关,看到一个难句可以识别出主要成分并剔除插入语,修饰语等成分。 例如——

Also, a jury may give more probative weight than objective analysis would allow to vivid photographic evidence depicting a shooting victim’s wounds, or may underestimate the weight of defense testimony that is not delivered in a sufficiently forceful or persuasive manner.

这个句子你只需要读出来 Jury may overestimate or underestimate the testimony in a manner that of the testimony being presented. 接下来,要掌握三个习惯。




句子晦涩难懂。 时间非常有限,一遍必须读懂。 如果你事先对某一概念了解了,那么这个绝对可以帮你化险为夷。但是不要把自己的观点过多的带入到文章,这样会影响你的理解。 当你在阅读时候读到了自己不熟悉的概念,大家可以——

使用Evernote/Word 等随时记下感兴趣或者不知道想要查阅的东西 打开Google Scholar或者 The New Yorker搜索相关概念



PEAR 也就是——

Pause, 读完每个段落停下来 Evaluate, 总结大意,思考此段落的作用 Anticipate, 预期下一段会讲什么 Reassess, 读完下一段再对第二步的evaluate进行评估。 读下一段接着继续PEAR 直到全文读完 Reassess全文并清晰了解全文的行文方式和逻辑构思。

3、Passage Map


你在每一次读完一篇GRE文章,都需要在脑子里有一个Passage Map。



GRE的一个段落其实就是一道逻辑单题无限扩充出来的段落,你需要知道里面哪些是Premise, 哪些是counter-example/statement, 哪些是conclusion。

一个最简单的例子, 依然是 1999年GRE Section 2——

At the same time that Gilpin’s interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other women photographers, her approach to landscape photography set her apart from men photographers who, like Gilpin, documented the western United States. Western American landscape photography grew out of a male tradition, pioneered by photographers attached to government and commercial survey teams that went west in the 1860’s and 1870’s. These explorer- photographers documented the West that their employers wanted to see: an exotic and majestic land shaped by awesome natural forces, unpopulated and ready for American settlement. The next generation of male photographers, represented by Ansel Adams and Eliot Porter, often worked with conservationist groups rather than government agencies or commercial companies, but they nonetheless preserved the “heroic” style and maintained the role of respectful outsider peering in with reverence at a fragile natural world.

At the same time that Gilpin’s interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other women photographers, her approach to landscape photography set her apart from men photographers who, like Gilpin, documented the western United States.

这句话第一个逗号直接将两个部分分隔,分别讲述了G与女摄影师和男摄影师的区别。下一句紧接男性作家的一些特点,并在文中出现了几个名字,Ansel, Eliot, 这段于是可以出很多infer题, G和大多数女摄影师的区别是什么? G和男摄影师的区别是什么?


Some scientists say that global warming will occur because people are releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning trees and fossil fuels. We can see, though, that the predicted warming is occurring already. In the middle of last winter, we had a month of springlike weather in our area, and this fall, because of unusually mild temperatures, the leaves on our town's trees were three weeks late in turning color.

这是最典型的GRE阅读写作手法, Some people claim/assert/argue/suggest….. 你知道下一句话一定是转折,这个some people在这里就是充当counter-statement。





Despite these dire predictions, and even though the current African drought has lasted longer than any other in this century, the notion that the drought is caused by cooling of the Northern Hemisphere is, in fact, not well supported.

这个Dire你一下就可以看出作者的态度,cautious skepticism,于是这成了一道送分题



Out of Scope, 这个在多选题里非常常见。


Galileo stuck lenses onto either of an organ pipe; today’s research telescopes, while considerably more elaborate, still perform the same fundamental task of collecting and focusing light. It’s all astronomers have to go on: electromagnetic radiation from distant objects, whether it arrives in the form of X rays or visible light or radio waves. Scientists rely, for instance, on spectroscopy, the process of separating light emitted by an object in space into its opponent wavelengths, as a prism does, then analyzing those components. And they invent new tools to analyze the light. To probe deeper and deeper into space, scientist must design better and better detectors, sensitive to the faintest of emissions.

It can be inferred from the passage that spectroscopy

A.Insufficient to describe the contours of objects in space.

B.interprets information from distance objects

C.does rely on light emissions as well as other components.

A就是一个out of scope选项。 Insufficient? Contour of objects? 文章中只出现了light. 排除掉

答案 BC

②One word wrong


④True but irrelevant

⑤Too extreme

关于选项错误类型可以参照Manhattan GRE RC那本书。


总结错题,建议是Blind Review——

100%确定为什么你选择了某个答案(原因) 确定你为什么选择某一个选项,原文Line多少可以找到Back Up 100%确定为什么你排除了某个答案(错误类型) 确定你为什么排除掉其他的选项,也就是那五个错误选项。 Dig into wrong answers

当你的答案是错的时候,不要标出正确答案,重做一遍并计时这一遍做的时候问自己两个问题—— - What about the right answer made me think it was wrong? - What about the wrong answer made me think it was right?

拿个记事本写下来自己当时选择这个选项的原因,在排除掉一个选项后第二遍看看你能不能做对。而这次选择新的选项的原因是什么?在原文找到依据. 对于填空便是便是找到依据,确定句子转折递进关系。阅读便是定位改写和全文理解。

5、Look for certainty

时刻关注一些修饰程度的词: some, most, all, never, and always等等,这些题都是infer题的来源,大都数错误选项也都集中在这些词里。


这应该是GRE阅读的最终极技巧了,在画完Passage Map后做题时候不看选项,直接自己在脑子里想出自己的理解。

Eg:1997年4月GRE国内题 Section 4

Allen and Wolkowitz's research challenges the common claim that homework-waged labor performed at home for a company is primarily a response to women workers' needs and preferences. By focusing on a limited geographical area in order to gather in-depth information, the authors have avoided the methodological pitfalls that have plagued earlier research on homework. Their findings disprove accepted notions about homeworkers: that they are unqualified for other jobs and that they use homework as a short-term strategy for dealing with child care.

The authors conclude that the persistence of homework cannot be explained by appeal to such notions, for, in fact, homeworkers do not differ sharply from other employed women. Most homeworkers would prefer to work outside the home but are constrained from doing so by lack of employers' desires to minimize fixed costs: homeworkers receive no benefits and are paid less than regular employees.

1. According to the passage, which of the following has been generally believed about homework?

(A) the benefits of homework accrue primarily to employers rather than to homeworkers.

(B) Homework is prevalent predominantly in rural areas.

(C) Homework is primarily a response to the preferences of women workers.

(D) Few homeworkers rely on homework for the majority of their family income.

(E) Most homework is seasonal and part-time rather than full-time and year-round.

这道题读完就应该知道答案在第一句话,也就是A&W challenge a conventional belief, 而这个belief就是 primarily a response to women workers' needs and preferences 于是带着这个pre-phrase去看答案,ABDE立刻排除掉,只有C正确

2. The passage suggests which of the following about previous research on homework?

(A) It was conducted primarily with women who did not have extensive household responsibilities or care for small children at home.

(B) It was conducted with homeworkers and companies over a large geographical area.

(C) It indicated that women homeworkers had numerous opportunities to work outside the home.

(D) It indicated that homeworkers usually work for companies that are close to their homes.

(E) It indicated that homework was financially advantageous to large companies.

这道题读完题应该知道这是第二句话,也就是A&W avoid a pitfall,A&W的方法是on a limited geographical area in order to gather in-depth information 那么以前的研究应该是与A&W方法对立,或者对on a limited geographical area in order to gather in-depth information这句话取反。能选的只有B。

3、Justify every words in answer choices


做完这一步另一个重要的步骤,深入研究为什么这个选项是错的(也就是为什么这是一个Great wrong answer)分析之后你会发现出题人的一些伎俩,避开这些陷进,你就会顺利跨入高分行列。


Comparison of the growth rings of ancient trees enables scientists to determine from a piece of timber the year in which the tree used for the timber was felled.Hence, by analyzing the growth rings in timber surviving from ancient buildings, archaeologists can determine precisely when those buildings were constructed.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) The timber used for construction purposes in ancient times was made from very old trees.

(B) The timber that was used in ancient building construction had not, prior to being used in the construction of the buildings, lain unused for an indeterminable amount of time.

(C) The growth rings of any tree felled in a given year are identical to the growth rings of any other tree felled in that year.

(D) The oldest of the ancient buildings that survive to the present day were constructed of the most durable woods.

(E) Ancient builders did not use more than one type of wood for the construction of a given building.



1 Until 1984 only aspirin and acetaminophen shared the lucrative nonprescription pain-reliever market. In 1984, however, ibuprofen was expected to account for fifteen percent of all nonprescription pain-reliever sales.On that basis business experts predicted for 1984 a corresponding fifteen percent decrease in the combined sales of aspirin and acetaminophen.

The prediction mentioned in the last sentence above was based on which of the following assumptions?

(A) Most consumers would prefer ibuprofen to both aspirin and acetaminophen.

(B) Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen all relieve headache pain and muscular aches, but aspirin and ibuprofen can also cause stomach irritation.

(C) Before 1984 ibuprofen was available only as a prescription medicine.

(D) The companies that manufacture and sell aspirin and acetaminophen would not also manufacture and sell ibuprofen.

(E) The introduction of ibuprofen would not increase total sales of nonprescription pain reliever.

2 New regulations in Mullentown require manufacturers there to develop five-year pollution-reduction plans. The regulations require that each manufacturer develop a detailed plan for reducing its released pollutants by at least 50 percent. Clearly, the regulations will not result in significant pollution reduction, how- ever, since the regulations do not force manufacturers to implement their plans.

Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument?

(A) Mullentown's manufacturing plants are not the only source of pollution there.

(B) Detailed plans would reveal that measures to reduce released pollutants would also reduce manufacturers' costs for materials, waste disposal, and legal services

(C) Pollutants that manufacturing processes create but that are not released directly into the environment must nonetheless be collected and prepared for disposal

(D) Any reductions in pollutants released from Mullentown's manufacturing plants would not be noticeable for at least five years.

(E) Each manufacturer will be required to submit its plan to a committee appointed by Mullentown's officials.

3 Until 1984 only aspirin and acetaminophen shared the lucrative nonprescription pain-reliever market. In 1984, however, ibuprofen was expected to account for fifteen percent of all nonprescription pain-reliever sales.On that basis business experts predicted for 1984 a corresponding fifteen percent decrease in the combined sales of aspirin and acetaminophen.

The prediction mentioned in the last sentence above was based on which of the following assumptions?

(A) Most consumers would prefer ibuprofen to both aspirin and acetaminophen.

(B) Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen all relieve headache pain and muscular aches, but aspirin and ibuprofen can also cause stomach irritation.

(C) Before 1984 ibuprofen was available only as a prescription medicine.

(D) The companies that manufacture and sell aspirin and acetaminophen would not also manufacture and sell ibuprofen.

(E) The introduction of ibuprofen would not increase total sales of nonprescription pain reliever.




1. Census data for Prenland show that unmarried Prenlandic men in their thirties outnumber unmarried Prenlandic women in that age group by about ten to One. Most of these men do wish to marry. Clearly,however, unless many of them marry women who are not Prenlandic, all but a minority will remain unmarried.

The argument makes which of the following assump-tions?

(A) Emigration from Preland is more common among women than among men.

(B) A greater proportion of Prelandic women in their thirties than of Prenlandic men of the same age would prefer to remain unmarried.

(C) It is unlikely that many of these unmarried Prenlandic men will marry women more than a few years older than themselves.

(D) Prenland has a high rate of divorce.

(E) Most of the unmarried Prenlandic men are unwilling to marry women who are not Prenlandic.

2.Certain extremely harmful bacteria found only in sewage are difficult to detect directly. Testing for E. coli, an easily detected and less harmful type of bacteria, in ocean water would be a reliable way of determining whether or not these more harmful bac-teria are present, since ocean water contains E. Coli only if the water is contaminated with sewage that contains the harmful bacteria.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A) There are many different strains of the E. coli bacteria, and only some of these strains are harmful.

(B) Some types of bacteria found in sewage are neither disease-causing nor difficult to detect directly.

(C) Some of the types of bacteria found in sewage along with E. coli are not harmful to people unless the bacteria are ingested in large quantities.

(D) E. coli dies out much more quickly than some of the more harmful bacteria found in sewage and then can no longer be easily detected.

(E) Some of the types of bacteria found in sewage along with E. coli reproduce at a slower rate than E. coli.

3.The organizers of tomorrow's outdoor concert announced that it will go on tomorrow on schedule unless bad weather is forecast or too few advance tickets are sold. If the concert is canceled, refunds will be made to ticket holders. Since some ticket holders have already been issued refunds even though more than enough advance tickets were sold, it must be the case that bad weather is forecast.

Which of the following is an error of reasoning con-tained in the argument?

(A) It proceeds as if a condition, which by itself is enough to guarantee a certain result, is the only condition under which that result would occur.

(B) It bases a conclusion that is known to require two conditions on evidence that bears on only one of those conditions.

(C) It explains one event as being caused by another event, even though both events must actually have been caused by some third, unidentified event.

(D) It treats evidence for the absence of one condi-tion under which a circumstance would occur as conclusive evidence that that circumstance will not occur.

(E) Evidence given to support the conclusion actually undermines it.



