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话不多说,我们就以2018年9月15日的雅思写作大作文真题来讨论一下吧。题目是:In many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men, so there is logic that men and women should share the housework tasks equally(like cleaning and looking after children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?越来越多的女性和男性一样做着全职工作,所以,男性应该和女性平分家务,比如清洁和照顾儿童。你在哪些方面同意或不同意这个观点?这是一道典型的社会类话题,浅层的来看是男女分工问题,进一步来看就是男女平等,包括男女在社会和家庭中扮演的角色和分工问题。









如今,越来越多的女性和男性一样享受着平等的教育和就业机会(equality in education and employment),不过很多女性依然被家庭所束缚(undertake more domestic chores),我个人认为这种现象是不合理的。我觉得在家庭事务的料理上,男女应该互相帮助和支持。

当然,让女性继续以家庭为重心的观念依然存在。这主要是因为很多人认为女性天然的母性(maternal instinct)决定了她们要承担照顾孩子(raising children)的责任。虽然女性能够在社会上获得更多机会,但在这样一个男性为主导的社会里,女性能够施展的舞台太少。

事实上,男女搭配干活是有很多好处的(mutual affection)。首先平等承担家务可以促进家庭关系的和谐(harmonize the family life)。社会经济压力和生活成本(The social reality and the rising costs of living)让女性也加入到社会工作中去,如果男性也能感受到女性的不易,多一份理解,家庭关系将更为牢固。此外,研究发现,如果男性加入到孩子的教育过程中,那么孩子的性格及人格将更为健全。

更深层一点的原因在于,女性得到了更多的公平对待。过去人们都觉得女性的社会价值低,很多女性在结婚或者怀孕后就会遇到事业瓶颈。这种就业歧视给很多女性带来困扰。究竟应不应该结婚,生育。然而,女性对一个社会具有多重意义,让女性能够有更多施展才华的舞台,摆脱家庭的束缚,对于社会来说是一个很积极的影响(facilitate fertility)。

最后,打破性别歧视(gender inequality ),男女在家庭中的合理分工,不仅对于家庭,儿童教育甚至整个社会都有着积极而重要的影响。政府应该鼓励和促进这种公平。


雅思写作题目:In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic become a problem. What are the causes of that and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?



第二段:问题的原因1农民工和小城市的年轻人涌向大城市就业导致人口剧增,城市扩大,出行距离增加;2 大城市交通设施落后,无法容纳剧增的车辆。3 国家政策鼓励人们买车,以刺激经济发展。





In some major cities in my country, China, heavy traffic becomes increasingly problematic to commuters. This situation can be due to the fast pace of urban development.


The migration policy in China leads rural peasants to big cities. Also the convenient modern facilities and business opportunities in urban areas attract young generation in smaller towns seeking a reasonable career. While cities are expanding, the travelers have to cover further distance than they used to. Unluckily the public transport system built years ago is not well functioning. It is at this point that car purchase sounds reasonable. On top of this, the political will of enhancing economy should be responsible for various urban issues including traffic congestion. In order to stimulate domestic consumption, the public are encouraged to own their private cars, but in metropolises with dense population, such lifestyle is hard to be sufficiently supported.


To deal with traffic issue, some actions can be taken. Firstly, satellite cities can be a pragmatic approach to decentralize urban resource, thereby reducing urban population density. These satellite cities featuring self-sufficient can largely reduce daily travel if people are encouraged to live near their workplace or their school. Exclusive avenues for cycling can be set so that short-distance travelers would like to choose riding a bike instead of squeezing in a bus.


Public transport should be improved in terms of route, timing, comfortableness and service courtesy so as to encourage commuters to take. The larger capacity of public vehicles compared with private cars can effectively ease the traffic pressure on city roads.


In contrast, private cars should be discouraged from using for short distance travel. The approaches include charging a high parking fee, more expensive petrol or restricting in driving days.



雅思写作题目: In many countries, 24-hour TV programmers are now transmitted throughout day and night. Some people think this is a positive development, but others do not think so. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



第二段:24小时电视播放的来由:1, 工种繁多,需求多样。2 体育直播和时事报道新闻,增加收视率,提高效益。

第三段:但是1,某些时段的收视率低,盈利能力低。2 ,很多重放的节目,关于琐碎的事情。3 ,过长时间的看电视不利身体的健康。



In many countries, 24-hour TV programmers are now transmitted throughout day and night. Some people think this is a positive development, but others do not think so. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Since television was invented, it has become a crucial source of information and indispensable tool for leisure activities. However, the debate about its influence on our society has never stopped, especially since in recent years, TV programmers have the ability to be on the air day and night.

Obviously 24-hour running TV programmers fulfill a need to certain groups of audiences. They include night shift workers who have a totally different schedule from housewives or retired people. Some sports fans would stay up late at night in order to watch the Olympic Games or any other live broadcast of international sports events. Also historic events such as the 9/11 attack are news-worthy events that need to be reported live. These live reports generate high viewership and therefore allow TV stations to attract more advertising, increasing revenues.


However, 24-hour TV broadcasting can be unprofitable since during certain time slots few people watch TV. A large part of news coverage is dedicated to re-runs,casting doubt on viewership of any significance. Another possible negative effect in 24/7 TV transmitting is that it encourages a sedentary lifestyle which is ultimately unhealthy. The term “couch potato” seems to perfectly describe those that espouse this behavior, and children in particular are vulnerable to the addicting effects of television programs.


In general, abundant TV programs are free for people to access; however, this does not mean that they are a positive influence to the viewing public. In fact, it would be much more meaningful to devote more of our precious time to activities that add value to our lives and to the lives of the people around us.


